Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 49000
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 438

Just give me a reason
I've been force feed by demons
My body still redeeming
I've been beat down & left bleeding for less than half a reason
Counting on my shallow breathing
People in a rush for all the wrong reasons
There's nothing worth the discussion
My angels on angel dust
Harden killers getting snuffed
The city is overrun
Mothers crying over sons
Mothers and fathers over seas the water still run
All of our s*** was just seize
My uncle was just indicted
Police kicked in our door
they were uninvited
Feelings were coming on, but trust me I tryed to fight it
My heart and soul weren't united
My little glow collided with dreams as big as Goliath
Down mood reside if
My LA gear don't light up
That's when I seen my daddy light up
I read between the lines with light and a highlighter
Some s**t you don't forget like daddy smoking the rent
Or Moma check for landlord
hoping our land not lost
Lux said it best, "no wonder why ni**as pissed off shyt cost!",
& they never pay attention
they go from suspension to detention, right through intervention
All from built up tension aggression seems tempting
the projects familiar intention
Regressive the nature of its invention
Unexpressive dimensions
Explosive depletion of a culture for not a one left to be left to be mentioned....

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