JayR90 | Poetry Vibe
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War of Words


Views: 233

 You ever argue with someone

And they say we had a war of words?

If only the world were really that way 

Instead of bullets and missiles 

We would launch similes 

and well placed acronyms at the heart of our enemies

No blood shed, merely tears because

Words, cut deeper then any knife ever forged

Battles would be fought at podiums 

In debate like fashion

No anger only passion. 

Big money would mean nothing

But a strong vocabulary could topple

The strongest fort of the most vast empire. 

Poets would have their day. 

Revered like greek gods 

For their power to twist lightning bolts of knowledge

And turn them into visions of paradise. 

Strength would mean nothing 

Because some of the smallest people

Having the strongest convictions

Good hearts would have their day.

For those with good hearts speak from it 

And not from minds that are limited by fatigue. 

Soldiers would be trained in classrooms 

In the works of enson, emmerson

and forst of course. 

The world would be a beautiful place

No longer fearing the cataclysmic Bang

of a nuclear fallout 

But instead the power of a man with a lot to say 

And no rebuddle in their artillery. 



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paulaskid says:


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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

This poem is Great! I think that you can calm any situation using words alone. No matter what the battle is. Beautiful poem. I've been known to use my words and calm certain battles, Words are very powerful if used the right way. Great job JayR90. Keep that pen movin!

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