sandyperry | Poetry Vibe
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Love & Basketball


just different

Views: 383
You deserve the satisfaction of having the upper hand
I put you through hell I wasn’t the best of men
Tears filled with my lies and constant disappointments
I hurt you the most and was still all you ever wanted 
So now the balls in your court
And I’m playing no D
Because truthfully I realize that you’re out of my league
There’s nothing I can do to stop you
No moves I can make to drop you
You’ve mastered my game
The only way I can contain you is to play you honest
Still you find it easy to score
Taking jab steps at my past
And when I start to give you space 
Allowing you to breathe
You cross the line by sending shots towards my ego
Your truths always come in threes
I’ve never been broken down like this
No ones ever penetrated my defense
My game face must not be as menacing as I thought
You taking advantage of weaknesses is becoming an afterthought
This must be my punishment for leaving you on the sideline
I should have put my trust in you when life came down to crunch time
Instead I played the rookies that got me in foul trouble
They lacked the heart I needed 
Couldn’t handle the pressure
You were my star but I opted for something lesser
Coaches mistake 
Swallow my pride and embrace the pain
Of losing you and my biggest game
So now the balls in your court
And I’m playing no D
Because truthfully I realize you’re out of my league
I admit the balls in your court
I won’t even bother to D
Because the woman I see now
Is out of my league

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kyrielle says:

Very unique!

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The Immortal Wize says:


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