2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Easy Lover



Views: 760

Hopelessly Frantic, beset upon Romantic
In Love Again, or lust in semantics
Just per chance, passing for fancy chasing
I commence to opening, fascinating, breathtaking
Disavowing all former nexus, making a spot for two
Now removed to make room, with a view, set a mood
Only wanting to know all things in, about you and why?
Was it a fragrance, walk or defiant stance?
Maybe it was the eye roll at my subtle advance
Moving me closer in her midst amore , in store
Once more believing in love to adore, bliss once more
Adorns my smile with feminine laughter to flatter me
While I flatly believe that its for a chance 2b, paramour?
Fooled again in forgetting my last dance on ground floor
The umpteenth time I slipped out, falling from cloud nine
Oh that behind, umm its all behind now, as beauty usually casts
So easy was it to gape as my mind moves fast to grasp past,
Melodies contrived on sweet dreams , where it seems I’ve arrived
Forever broken hearted, will always be my fruitful harvest
As she fades away, displaced by the dawn of the latest love distracting

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Melodies contrived on sweet dreams , where it seems I’ve arrived... homie I want 2b like you when I grow up.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Wow, thanks Wize, you know I'm a huge fan of your outstanding work, no doubt....ONE

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NternallyMe says:

Bravo!! I bow to your art.. You're really good at what you do.. Thanks for sharing! Chea

Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thank you kindly NternallyMe....life often brings inspiration (winks)

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royale jones says:

Man u ne working that gift mane keep doing what you do good write

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks royale jones, you as well....ONE

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LP45 says:

Very nicely done! I love the flow and visualization. I will be reading more of your work! I love it when men write poetry. You've definitely got it. Keep it flowing. Peace.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

thanks ladypoet45....Namaste!

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Devonte7638 says:

Your flow was a paint brush to my mind. I'll be reading more of your work

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Modi says:

Cool rhyme schemes.

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love_supreme says:

A classic, excellent write.

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