My life's mission is the pursuit of a better future.
I cherish every second of the present.
It's a daily gift given from God.
Even though I'm armed with this knowledge in my heart.
Its hard.
So hard to say goodbye to yesterday.
So hard to give up who you are,
When obstacles are sent to test your faith.
And you can't catch a break.
And you still have to pay for indiscretions made
Back in the day.
When I was young but I ain't a kid anymore.
Everyday in the books is a day closer to me
Knocking on heavens door.
Hoping,this is where I'm allowed to dwell...
I've envisioned in-depth conversations with the lord.
That's when he told me..
"Your body was never yours.
It's just a vessel through which your essence can be manifested
And given a physical presence."
So in other words....
While my mind, body , and soul were being neglected
Time never rested...
It just keeps ticking.....
It does not wait for men.....
So seek atonement and live for the moment.
Because every moment is a memory.
We ARE living memories.
The same memories that'll flash right before our eyes.
We should be what we want to see
Right before our demise.
Right before we pass over to the other side.
So not now....but right now....
I need to ...BE
Be....the message I preach.
BE....the lessons I teach.
BE ....the answers I seek. with HE
One with the will of God
Only then will my lifelong quest for
peace CEASE to BE too far.
So until then....
I will continue to learn
As the world continues to turn
And time .....
Time is like sands through the hourglass,
So are...... the days of our lives.