tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Views: 359

 Still waters run deep.

Relections only ripple upon the surface.

Reflections in the eyes are a 

mirror fo those waters,,

Changing so swiftly


Or an illusion of the mind?

Perhaps instead an angry

Mocking glare;

turning twisting, and

taunting, piercing the heart inside my chest.

A nightmare which plagues my inner peace.

Words can not erase that angry glare.

Words, words, empty, hollow, 

meaningless words.

As a plunge into those icy waters

it leaves me cold and alone.

Love has flown on wings which are

tattered and torn with bittersweet desertion.




















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DreamPoet says:

This is a very deep poem, in which i can relate to. Great job TreTre.

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The Immortal Wize says:

Another deep one.

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