DreamPoet | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 428

 The cuckoo's life is much like mines,

with ins and outs, on programmed time.

He does his work around the clock,

To the rhythm of tick-tock, tick-tock.....

How dull the hours, how same they year,

How old the song, how few to hear.

His house, his world, he lives alone

without a soul, to call his own.

He doesn't know from whence he came,

What is worse, theres none to blame.

Nor does he wonder how long he'll be a 

dumb bird, or even, that he's free.

Passers-by may disagree,

How much this cuckoo-clock mimics me.














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royale jones says:

man sad but im a lil intrigued at the same time still good

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