I'm asking what's wrong
       I can barely read you now a days       Shifty ways have me ducking conversations like title waves        We pass each other like strangers in the hallway         Jokes are no longer jokes just small pokes at the icy approach I indore man I hate being ignored          Good Lord where did I go wrong what did really do you tired of doing us you rather just do you           Its not your birthday but sometimes wishes still come true, I'll admit it'll be hard getting over you but jumping hurdles with strength are easy to get over boo            So I'm asking one last time what could I do?             Plush seats are useless when your uncomfortable take a seat what don't you understand either your mine or I'm not your man I've done all I can               I can start with a clean slate I'm washing my hands lets just have a clean break half hearted jewelry piece an piece for peace               I guess we were just lovers beneath the sheets live long and prosper I'm sorry we got hurt good bye!