Ms.PoeticPassion | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 579

 This is dedicaed to you.

I close my eyes and I see your brown eyes.

My body begins to sigh.

I try to unwind.

My body becomes numb.

Im paralyzed by all this pain.

I see your smile within my mind.

Teara begin to roll down my face.

Sitting and wishing I could feel your warm embrace once again.

There's nothing I wouldnt do to see your face once again.

This is dedicated to you.

R.I.P My Mom. April 1946 - August 2008.

#kidneyfailure #diabetes

This is dedicated to you.

Eshana my sweet little neice.

You never got to see life pass the age of three years old.

Someone stole you from us.

Took your mind, BODY, and soul.

Lord, please shed light on me.

Is there something that I can not see.

Lord, please HELP ME!

I cry day and night.......

From the inside out.

This is dedicated to you.

R.I.P My Shana Pooh. 2007-June 2009

#child abuse #murdered#nobodyinjail4crime

This is dedicated to you.

I'm freestylin my feelings.

Speaking to my angels high in the sky.

Listening, waiting, and trying to feel any kind of response.

Speak to me my angels.....I miss you all.

R.I.P Tevin my lovely nephew.

  1993-April 2005 #autistic child.                        # mistreated

I miss you.

This is dedicated to you.

To all my loved ones that are in heaven I love you all!






































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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Poignant penning....prayers for comfort.....ONE

ms.poeticpassion says:

Thank you

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Ak rio says:

Very touching

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Ak rio says:

Very touching

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ms.poeticpassion says:


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