2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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long distance

Views: 529

The feelings I share today, came to me blissfully
Realized and Actualized in someone else’s eyes
I didn’t know a love this complete even existed
Even though I was looking in a mirror of expression
Reflected back to me so I no longer feel neglected


Respect for you from your Love for Me shining
Is how My Love Today is Now and Forever climbing
Built to be just a flash in the annals of time,
How could a feeling so divine resign all doubts
Wanted and needing is provided in My Love Today Forever
You have answered questions before my asking
Providing me solid ground to start my foundation


Quite unexpected in this serious love synchronization
As my heartbeats louder , from this confirming information
You love me more than I knew possible to love myself
Even in this truthful disclaimer, I have learn to appreciate you more
Nevermore to spend time questioning what you see and its theory
Accepting your love and is healing qualities……thank you…….Forever
For allowing me to love you and return the power you have given me
Although distances now separate our instituting, my love is only stronger
Longer and wider than ever before, carrying both hearts on wings of love
For you are my specialty and I do adore, you my friend, partner of amore
Time nor space will ever erase MY LOVE TODAY FOREVER!!!


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bulldognation44267 says:

Beautiful poem 2B, It's wonderful to see a man who is existential, often assertive and at times cynical compose a heartwarming and sweet poem like this.

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2b2b2 says:

Lol, I appreciate your astute observations...thanks much Kevin....ONE

LP45 says:

This was absolutely beautiful 2B, I can see your strength and appreciation in your work. Thank you for sharing this delightful read. Namaste my friend!

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