J.V.DaPoet | Poetry Vibe
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The Image


just different

Views: 195

The image 

When you hear my voice what image do you see? A friend, a bro or your future man to be? 

Do you see yourself with me? Because that is the image I want chu to keep... Keep the image of my hands pushing back your hair to see you smile... Keep the image of my face when I admire you style... Keep the imagine of the hurt you been through... Got it? Now throw it away! Not because you want to but because I said so... I'm the captin of this love boat... So that image of that ..is dead and gone... The image of me taking over is what you see... That image of me holding you hand... That image of me grabbing your waist and kiss you from behind... That image of me being handed over to you by god Is a holy image! Take that image and put it in your mind.? Got it?! Not cuz I said so...because you wanted to... You want these images because they speak for themselves 

Keep this image in your head of me and you...and no one else...


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