J.V.DaPoet | Poetry Vibe
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The Wrong Guy


just different

Views: 171

The wrong guy 

Shorty why you doing this to yourself... You want the cars the clothes and all of the wealth... That's the wrong guy... Now don't get me wrong those things is good to have but if he treat those objects better than you than you need to pass... A man is not measured by the things that he has obtained but by the things he's accomplished and what kind of rep he has to his name.. He might got a nice face and a good body but if he doesn't complement your face or body he is a...nobody... You want the flash and flings diamond earrings...which is nice but can they hold you...comfort you tell you that you gorgeous without dem..how he really adores you...

The wrong guy texted you late as ever wanted you to chill..the right one texts you all day..checks up on how you feel

The wrong guy would put his self before his woman...and claim he treats you like a queen..

The right guy will put his self after his woman and treat chu better than a king...you overlook the nice ones that texts you good morning and goodnight..you say he is to nice..but he's actually something you wanted and desired... 

The wrong guy gets up after he's finished with you...and doesn't say good bye

The right one lays with you talks and cuddle with you asks you would you like to stay the night

See the right ones aren't always the cutest one..their just some average joes... But you choose if you want the good guy or the bad guy and let me know how that story goes..J.V 

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