J.V.DaPoet | Poetry Vibe
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The feeling you get when you see someone...the feeling you get when no one is around...when your standing there wondering why does this feeling still come around....is this a good feeling or bad...do you want this feeling to leave or to last....this feeling is excitement this feeling is anger..this feeling is lonely..this feeling is love..this feeling makes me go crazy every time I hear your name or somebody brings it up my body goes cold my fists clinches up my breathing is fast so is my heartbeat... My eyes close and I try not to let feelings get in the way of my actions...but then again feelings control your actions...so how can you stop...the feelings? Do you want to stop the feelings...!? Let them flow into your through your heart and your brain..these feelings will never be the same... These feelings that you feel...these feelings are real...I love and hate these feelings so bad...but truth be told....I want these feelings.....to last... J.V 

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