lashann roberts | Poetry Vibe
lashann roberts
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Lashann roberts

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Just because you are not the biological father of my children doesn’t mean that you love them any less, in fact you tell me all the time the day we came into your life you had truly been blessed.

You never said a word when I had to fight him for money so the kids could have presents on Christmas Day, you always told me baby don’t worry about him I got you covered and we’ll handle it when I get paid.

You never had a problem taking care of the girls when they had a problem with some little boy at school, and you were just as excited about Christmas shopping for them and to me that was pretty cool.

You didn’t say a word every time he would pick them up every three months to take them out to buy shoes, even when they came home excited about the time he spent with them when I know it gave you the blues.

You took the time to tell bedtime stories and even took them to the park to play basketball games, the love you showed them couldn’t be bought in any store and it didn’t matter that they didn’t carry your last name.

You Dee Jayed for our daughter’s Sweet Sixteen party so he could have the spotlight and played Dance with My Father as the song, you played the background on her special day even though you knew he was dead wrong.

You never made them feel bad for fighting everyday to get the unconditional love that they gave to him, but now we have grandchildren and you have been there from day one so you get that love from them.

Their father never took the time to get to know you and how much you loved his children and to me that’s really sad, you are not my children’s stepfather in every sense of the word you truly are their dad.


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2b2b2 says:

Awesome....I love this Beautiful Acknowledging Dedication (wow) got a tear in my eye....heartfelt, real men recognized makes the world a better place....thank you (touched) PEACE

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