My father never ............
Taught me how to ride a bike
And I wonder why is there so much hatred inside me
towards him
He's never given me the time of day
The reason I can see any seriousness inside black men
I've seen the way my mother cries
Even though he has money in his pocket
I know what it's like to go to sleep hungry
My parents make me never want to have kids
No need for birth control because of this life I live
I don't see how two people can stay together after
and not benefit each other
I don't see how two people can deal
and not show each other affection
These mean words everyday
These mean thoughts everyday
I'm quick to pick up my and live
I'm not a baby I'm almost 23
and I never quite had the family that you see on tv
Not at all
All I have at times is my sister
Would it be mean for me to just up and leave
Seems like no moment is ever my moment
No moments waits for no man
Nor does time
I'm walking this fine line of love and hate
That's why I skate and when I fall sometimes I don't even feel the pain
And people say you aint always gotta be so hard
But without a drink, dealing with all my pains would be so hard
Friends abandon me they jump shift because I don't feed into
Caring about folks feelings nonsense
Indeed I can be a cold B**** but if you've never
Fail you wouldn't know what to try
I try to leave here ever day and all my pains behind
I try to find a smile everyday and it hurts sometimes
If we do repeat lifetimes
I never want to come back if its like this the next time
Kuz my tears are stone
I bleed when I cry
And when I skate it makes my heart beat inside
Do you know why the cage bird sung
Because it knew that was gonna be it's last song
And I feel like when I shed another it will be my last tear