lashann roberts | Poetry Vibe
lashann roberts
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Lashann roberts

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Views: 270

Lost and confused in mind and spirit, I cry out in pain not being sure if anyone can hear it.
I was thrown into this maze against my will and it is trying to keep me trapped until my life’s blood is spilled.
Trying to hold on to pieces of my past and the old me as I embrace the new woman that I have become.
To give her life’s water and air to breathe while basking in the ray’s of a filtered sun.
I am asking you not to be afraid of her as she tries to find a way out of this maze of entrapment in which she refuses to stay.
Give her room to take baby steps and to try new things on her own and watch this beautiful gift of rebirth that god has grown.
I give you thanks for being a shoulder I could lean on when it would have been easier to up and flee, your love and support is the thing that carries me.
It has been said many times in different ways you are the wind beneath my wings every second of every day.

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