Her silence speaks; emotions in a bucket beginning to leak.
Questionable motives; she'd do a lot depending on how he feels.A slave to expectations; junkie of medication.The illness of the heart.Love.A phenomena; late nights of insomniaThinking.Believeing.Over-thinking.Falsly believeing. Be aware.Love can't be love if there was no love to start love. To say you love is to merely proclaim love. But is not a gesture but love is an act unexplainable by science.Love.Her downfall as he is playing her; saying he loves how she tosses him the beer.No laughs after dinner though; looking for a needle, she ain't no druggie she got some flesh to sow.Heeled by his I ♥ U texts; she can't expect.Or suspect. Who is.Next.A vail of love blinding out reality. The sad reality. The story of a ''soon to be'' mother..3 weeks from labour.I fear for her.