Sunni | Poetry Vibe
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Hip Hop



Views: 325

My inner Hip Hop enthusiast is offended

Sometimes it seems the whole culture has been upended

I can't even turn on the radio, the fabric has been rended

I want to get out my sewing kit, it desperately needs to be mended


When I listen to BDP and MC Lyte Everything in life feels just right

When I'm Criminal Minded and Paper Thin, things just shine

Then I hear I'm Different and something about a million dollar p*ssy...these antics make me lose my mind

You're not different, you're as the same as the repetition of that same line 

You owe me the oxygen you waste to say that same line so many damn times

There is no dollar amount for your lady parts, no matter how fine

The only women who put a price on that, are ladies of the night 


Actors on stage with no heaters, leaving me cold

No talent or skill, man it's getting old

What talent there was has been bought and sold

To the highest bidder, devoid of soul 

Unimaginative lyricism with boring beats 

You're not moving my feet

I understand you need to eat

But I don't like McDonald's, I like real meat 


Steak and potatoes 

Fuel for however my day goes

I need more than money and hoes

More than some weed and new clothes

More than curse words and sold souls 


What happened to the art of story telling

Now it's just a bunch of yelling

It's all about selling

The culture disrespected and taking a shelling  


Saturated with nonsense 

People wasting their dollars and cents 

On cotton candy and fluff, ignoring the essence 

Supporting so-called artists operating on pretense  


Stop making stupid people famous

People who's only aim is

To keep you high and uneducated

To consume you with what's hot, telling you to buy whatever brand paid them 


I turn to my indie artists and appreciate them

No amount of money can sway them 

They keep it real, so I pay dividends

To keep them in business for my own personal reasons 


To keep hope from taking a swan dive

I won't let Hip Hop take five

Give it room to breathe and thrive

One thing I know? Hip Hop will never die as long as I'm alive  


-Sunni ©2013

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love_supreme says:

Very nice poem.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliant piece....and I agree wit its Hip Pop!

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Sunni says:

Thank you! And, sadly, yes, yes it is.....*sigh*
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Real Talk Sunni!

Sunni says:

Thank you!

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