tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Let God



Views: 405
 To survive in this world, You've got to be tough, Don't let anyone know when times get rough. I grew up believing these things i was taught I thought they were right, but i learned they were not.   My life was  mess by the time i was grown, Things could have been different if only I'd known. So many lessons I had to learn, Trying to figuer out which way to turn.   So each day passes, it seemed harder to do, Looking for a crutch to make my way through; I tried all the escapes, the ranges so broad But i found only one," Let go and let god." It's still hard sometimes not to do things my way To take control and not bother to pray; So when things get too impossible to bear, I have to remember that God is always there.                                  

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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Shalom... Very powerful .. He's all we need... Beautiful piece..

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