Baily | Poetry Vibe
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Thoughts inside of thoughts on the top of my mind. I can’t shake them off! I want… To not feel like this. Thoughts inside of thoughts inside of more thoughts! I’m being victimized by my mind! Debilitating thoughts. Lust stealers. I want… To unremember. I want my reality to be as simple as the words that I make up and infuse it with. ‘It is, simply because I say it is’. To the nonbeliever water can never be wine. H2O thoughts have been thrown in my direction in attempts to quench the thirst of those who drink from the fountain of doubt and propaganda. Still my winery grows. Inebriated from the rains of yesterday’s forecast I lost track of my cup… So caught up in the festivities I forgot what the celebration was for. Forgive me, I was enthralled by the excitement of drinking from the glass I was told my fingers would never touch. It’s almost dinner time. Before meals I bow my head and pray for those who prey on my sanity. Well wishers whose wishes fill wells for my unwellness. Amen. If they knew better they’d do better. To the uninspired lemons can never be lemonade. I don't blame them. They weren't born with my struggle. They didn't swim against the currents in which I've swam. I ask for understanding. Though we've come from different rivers we still found our way to the same ocean... In the same school... I hoped there would be more class. You are forgiven.     

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