The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13900
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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My Darker Half



Views: 160

Dear God,

I hope you're not too busy for the mind don't often rest, I come to You today cause my resolve's turned off and left,

my little brother's killing has my spirit chalked and bagged, I feel my heart and soul held captive by my darker half.

I find it's always nighttime when my mind's eye do reflect, I still can't sleep and when I do my mind finds Moobie's death,

among the major topics in those things we're told are dreams, I can't sew up my sanity because there are no seams.

I drift and when I come to there's a pistol in my hand, I fight the impulse every day to go and get this man,

or men who put those bullets in his body; nothing's left, the only thing that stops me Lord is Tia; sudden death,

is something I no longer fear since I'm no longer here, the "James" that people know has washed away among the tears,

my spirit cries to see them die; there aint much left to do, but close my eyes and pray that I receive some help from You.

My darker side is winning like the score's a hundred zip, I feel like Lionel Richie cause my core is running with,

the night and playing in the shadows; to myself I hope, that you can see my words Dear God then come and help me cope....

Pray for me.


The Cunning Linguist

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