odonko-ba | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13600
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Her beauty isn't measured by some European standard of what beauty should be but by her confidence and the fact that she is loving the skin she's in. To me, that alone is beautiful.

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first love

Views: 331

 maybe you can be my inspiration my muse cause God knows alone im useless my backbone, my strenght my focus to make it home to you maybe im just a dreamer a believer in humanity in life in you; in in second chances in romance and taking chances swimming with sharks and biting back just as hard if not harder ~ for you or maybe just maybe you see what i see a life beyond reason where fantasy becomes reality and reality a bad dream but i would rather dream this dream and have you here than to awake and have you disappear this is real can you feel love for the first time

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