Kilay | Poetry Vibe
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The art side of life

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Highway to the graves



Views: 321

Why does this way to love a man

Seem to be right

Even though it leads to death

Can I not Stop

With my atrocious ways

Can I not see

That death is the destiny of life. .

It is said that one heart

Is connected to many lives

But your heart binds me

To my beauteous death..

Why does engraving your name

On my heart, bring pain to it. .

Though I do not search for it

Why does my heart harden

At the sound of your voice

Is to hate, not to hate

And to love, not to love

When your heart is a highway to the graves


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2b2b2 says:

Another Poignant piece.....thanks for sharing!

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LadyZion26 says:

Too real 4 poetry.....well written!

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