Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Simplistic Complexity



Views: 415

Insecure complexities are what make me
I am he who resides by the side of pride
Yet integrity type pride is not defined as a sin or crime
I admit I had to die to live
I seem to receive more when more is what I give!

Buried in the emotional desert of loneliness
Abandoned the once young man of phoniness.

I am now not quite so lonely but remain homely
No one could fully understand or hold me
I am free and out of bounds
The world itself is my stomping grounds
Like a hound
True blood has been found

I used to be spiritually self disgusted
My soul was worn down by being rusted
Too much polluted waters ran from Babylon
Onto my brains dimensional plane
Thus swimming against the grain
Made me believe I had that much more to gain!

So here I am just writing
Venting while my light is emitting
Smiling then grinning
Many minds I have had spinning

Like the globe on which we dwell
I too had suffered in a man made shell that became my hell
A form of cage like cell
Bars surrounded my interior
My flesh became my inferior
Excelled as a man with a pompous exterior

Now being a man who is much more liberated
Dwelling in the flesh forces me to possibly get incinerated
Never needed to know “how to grow” by being incarcerated

I can and will die as flesh!
But my essence shall forever exist
As it is stored in Gods holy chamber of remembrance
And on that day of my glorious awakening
I will be raised with the saints and have the same spiritual resemblance!


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