tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Views: 474
If you are taking pictures with, dirty clothes on the floor, trash, panties with nasty stains, and dirty bed sheets, you know you a basic b****, you know you should have cleaned up that mess before you put that pic on a tweet.   If your kids are in pissy diapers, with a bottle in their mouth in the same room, while there mother is spread eagle, or taking any kinds of pictures with her a** out then you are considerd a basic b****, what's  that about.   If you spend your whole pay check at walmart on a club outfit,acrylic nails and a purple weave, yet you have to steal and or borrow money for your kids to have pampers and  to eat, your a real basic b****, at least that's what i believe.   If you walk around telling your girls that your weave was $500, but your girls know you secretly got it for $5 at the little korean store,right next to the liquor store, you a basic b**** while you thought it was a secret your girls found out before.   If you tell a dude you can "Throw down" but you know you can't even make hot dogs, your a basic b**** and a fraud.   If you sing Beyonce song upgrade, but nothing on you has been upgraded since 1990, then you are a basic b**** there's no denying it.   If you have to go to the library to check your facebook, you a basic b**** how do you think that looks.   If you got 5 kids with 5 different baby daddy's,  but your the first one to start off and talk about  somebody, you are a basic b**** theres no doubt about it.   If you walk around, face looking good, with a body to match, but when you get to your feet you got ashy a** feet heals, its like damn, what's up with that. This is just a few things a basic b**** would do, Now after reading this, I bet you know some to.                                                                    

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DreamPoet says:

This poem was to funny, I actually know people do these types of things. Another great poem ma. Funny as hell..

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tretre says:

Thank you DreamPoet! I had a hard time writing this because im not a fan of profanity so, But i know a few people who actually does these things. Inspiration for my poetry comes from people i actually know. Thanks for showin love. Keep that pen movin DreamPoet!

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