thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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my anger is beautiful disappointed thoughts of a twisted future



Views: 305

way to many people are stressing and not enough peope are gettin their blessings walking around with their heads down because they fill as though they have been defeated an i know what the pain fiils like its agonizing disappointing the thought of being successful no matter what but the opportunities never present themselves as if you have to make them happen on your own and its preety messed up but thats life what can you do. not give up i would hope be your answer

i really am sick and tired of being sick and tired you dont notice the hard work i put in when i write every single day until my hands fulls asleep and even then i keep going i must be heard by all means even if you dont acknowledgege me so what i dont care this pain of a thousand swords will not go on persing my heart when i stay up in the dark and let my dreams fade away because no one is willing to hear me but i assure you one day people will read people will know about the pain they have dealt me a long time ago by then it will be to late to say your sorry by then my heart will have harden and my dream will be turned into reality and thats just the reality of a faliure whos dreams will come true

this is the being of something beautiful that's about to unfold sit down and relax dont get up to get a drink dont have thoughts about leaveing you declared war when you left me all by my self then justfied it by calling it tuff love i was just a baby i didnt even know love existed but you left you never sough out to see the best or the worst in me the way you laught the way you said things the way you tease me everything about you makes me mad! you are my rage you are my pain but you do not get the glory or the satisfaction of knowing my story just how you left me standing there alone imma leave you the same exact way no better yet imma let you play with my words to see if any of them ring a bell i love you but i cant stay""

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