Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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What things in things mean ("hope yall like it Lyrical exercise")


just different

Views: 306

This is no holds bar

shots fired from the back of the car

Where no's don't get you far

Who knows what happened to the men & women who rose the bar

The titles of bud don't come light

Dreams come in all colors shapes and types

Flights come from top to Boston

Secure your fears mind sight and ears

Your peers become judicial. when their holding pistols

The marshalls are partial when it really Mathers

The masses bring mass destruction to the late blooming martyrs

Like a train strapped to a plane with bombs tied to every seat with arms you should came harder

I'm sorry I over looked you

I was too busy eating the meaty. lyricis to stop and eat the gristle

You gone get you just do

punchlines and packed rhymes like 1930s pistols

You were raised right to stand up & speak polite

I was raised off second hand. leftover gunpowder soured clam chowder and the bitterness of a failed mans plight

Too many nights I had to fight

fight the hunger fight the pain fight my father's footsteps so they see me for me

not what Lil Rickey could be or Lil Marcus the boy

but a confident grown you can see it in my eyes I've been strong

Leroy Jones

I'm stronger then ten carat diamond bone

Catch some of this teflon spit

Shot after shot till your initial thought

Is damn he sick

The one who flew over the Coo. Coo's nest and dropped a bomb. to see who nerves were stressed

Before you speak my name

just hold your breath til your. chest turn blue til the point. poppa smarf ask what smarf are you?

Before I was ever heard of

A murder mystery

I killed a couple names for a Lil cheese

Left bread crumbs for the clues even though its not a game so

CSI could dust for prints and. stumble on a small sentence in fine print

Stating made in my mother unstable combustible evidence

Anybody can be touched just ask the 35th president

And just in case I can't type. anymore that was my death sentence

Word for sure thing? definite: (death-in-it)

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

I love the flow and the word play is awaesome!!
Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Nice flow

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