thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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what kind of life is this



Views: 182

What type of life is this to begin with?? to envy friends. to wake up and feel more empty then you did before you went to sleep. what type of life is this?? to feel so broke an helpless to the point you start to question your own existence what kind of life is this?? to fight bacc tears of loneliness anger desperation fear what sort of life is this?? to have greatness but go un-notice a life where you try to explain to people that you still have pain in your heart what kind of life is this?? to have people to tell you get over it grow up when that's all you've ever been was grown up what sort of life is this?? To not be able to wake up an smile and thank god for a brand new day instead of just doing the usually & waking up in anger an grudges I'll ask you again what kind of life is this??

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