<3 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 232

It's time to leave this desolate place

I can't stand the dark, I won't leave a trace.

The beats of my heart they have become silent

A personal battle with my thoughts, an uproar a riot.

My blood has been drained from red to black

Ice has consumed my soul, I don't want it back.

The train is now boarding my new world to meet

no thoughts to ponder, a fresh start a blank sheet.

One glance back to say goodbye

I won't miss this place, I couldn't if I did try.

There's no turning back as the train leaves the station

all that I left there was a single realization.

A new place to conquer and all that will be

I can't predict the future, all there is to see.

It's only been at the very least a mile

but already now I can breathe, return to my smile.

~Every new beginning is another beginning's end.~

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