poverty stinks it smells like urine soaked ground
I’m around people every day who say that they
do not want to live in poverty but will ware
holes in their pockets spending their very last dime
on temporal things like what you would find in a
swap meet or flea market things that will not last
for long and soon will be worn out and gone
leaches luring starving bottom feeders
poverty is a condition that must be washed out
of the mind of those who think an education is for fools
those who ask for food and spend the money on
new shoes that ware out to the soles hole in souls
I hear it all the time brother can you spare a dime
from those who spend their time hanging out
sometimes holding signs which now is an occupation
somebody somewhere is thinking corner the market
I can’t go to the corner market without hands out
for handouts this could be me two steps from poverty
to paces ahead I’m trying to be motivated by those around me
a mirror in front of me so I can see what’s behind me
prepared for famine or worse the truth about poverty
is that poverty is a genetic curse handed down to the last
from the first the philosophical philosophy is written in verse
I’m around people every day who plant seeds that
grow trees that grow no leaves and bear no fruit
walking around bare foot no soul no shoes