Kept by ya love sent me on an emotional rolls coaster...
Kept by ya web..I'm trapped ur like the deadliest spider.except one that also...Spits fire...ur broken truths...wats right or wrong...wen ur in charge somethings bound to fall...Crumbling in a million pieces...Like a China collection...Picking up the pieces I start ova again...And yet u appear as if u never left or went anywhere...How am I a prisoner inside ya webbed game..Like a puzzle with missing pieces...and no names...Why does it feel like I'm at fault...should been the reason y...Wen I backed up ya lies...u not being honest wit me...ikno u feel something else internally...blame a hand that isn't just..Take a heart that isn't of us...I dnt wanna be as u leave...imma hold the doorand help u leave...take all ya broken promises...The heart u so called gave...Any time its easy for u to pack up and leave...I'm tired of wearing my feelings on my sleeve...