Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 313

How many nights you watched your daddy take flight until tears filled your eyes and you lost sight and your mother kissed you and told you it'll be alright?

Explain you beating on your girl for all the pain in your heart every blow that you give you know that she wont be able to give the same love to another maybe perhaps your kid but still you do it?

Years after years your kid is now a man with a pregnant girlfriend they live in a nice apartment with a reasonable rent later down the line he loses his job they argue more than they can stand til one day he raises his and before it hits her cheek the hand gun speaks a boy in his pajamas pulled the trigger but didn't say a peep!

We gotta break the cycle more action less speech!

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