Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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He crept into her life on a slick sly tip, no intention of making that thang drip, not just yet at least, he was really attempting to come into her life, maybe part time, maybe later making her his wife, but for right now, he just wanted to make his introduction, no seduction or slick vocabulary, he simply kept his words stationary and simple, he wasn't trying to play with her mental, but in her mental, she thought he was just another , but eventually she gave him the chance, months went by at a glance and she seen that ol boy was legit, he wasn't on no kind of playa tip, he handled his biz when it came to her, treating her to the point she was swept off her feet, growin closer to her each day, but she was in the meantime drifting further and further away, after a while, he started to notice her smile dissapate, he couldn't figure out what was going on, for over a year they had been going strong, but now, it was like he was dating a stranger, this relationship was in danger of being close to over, all because of her scars...he walked a certain way, it reminded her of the ex, a certain stroke would remind her of sex with a man she didn't want no parts of, he say a certain word or two, and all of a sudden out of the blue, she'd snap because it sounded like something that one of her past flings would say, he seen baby girl going astray, so he did even more to give her reassurance, but it was to no avail, what started off as heaven eventually turned into hell, and now, he had burnt up over a year and a half of his life, flashbacks were one thing, but she started living with her past prince instead of her present king....finally..he had enough, he packed his bags and walked out of her life for good, he was tired of going to the ends of the Earth when nothing he did worked, because she was so battered and bruised, she couldn't see that he was that band-aid put over those wounds....but soon after, she realized her own disasters, not being able to get over fears, doubts, uncertainties and past dealings, dealt her a hand that she didn't wanna play, that was being left home alone and feeling astray from the world, so when you have that man ladies who heals your wounds, stick to him, otherwise, living in the past will have you stuck....alone

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