Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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Pain is conjured up through past memories, the pleasure in that pain is the endurance that comes through the hurt that goes more than skin deep, laughter is not the best medicine though as they say, it is only a temporary fix, cause as you go back to be alone, laughter turns into tears, fears of everything cloud your sleep as the rainfall on your face floods the thoughts of future ambition, missing is what once was of a man, as CT scans find the missing link in the mind, and echocardiograms scan the blockage in one's heart caused by infliction, beef is no longer a meat, it is the battle that one faces against its own self, wealth is no longer measured by the paper collected, but by the amount rejected for that one that truly makes you compatible and allows you to strive for your absolute best, I crack my breast bone, hoping that a rib pierces my lung so the air I breath is squeezed out of my system and into one who deserves the air I breathe more than me, cause I am un-deserving, so I sit in the class and the rest of my class walks the stage, I passed every course but I failed my final exam and I'll be damned, I thought I studded this game hard enough to pass it with flying colors, but things were more black and white than they originally seemed, I can only dream now of what will come, so I ink my skin 13 times to be unlucky in my physical, and hopefully my spiritual will be lucky seven and recharge seven times for each day of the week that I exist, and in the midst of all these tribulations, I re-analyze my own situation, only to be left facin myself in a mirror to a reflection that is talking a different language to me even though we are both the same, same tatts, same bronze skin, same scar on the right side of our face from the gate we crashed when we were four, same eyes that recall pain for over two decades, we are the same, but yet so damn different, so know I go to the flower bed and pick out black roses for my own grave, I dont wanna be laid with a crowd or tombstone, just leave me alone so that me and the earth can spend quality time together, cause maybe when Im gone, I can make it easier on everyone to go on with their lives, because they wont have to worry about me anymore

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