Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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So you told me that you were having nightmares, ironically, I had the same thing, see last night as I went to sleep, I dreamed I walked into my dream house, 4 bed, 3 bath, 2 floors and an outdoor patio where we could lay in beach chairs on starlit nights, I could hold you, and we could just talk about how much we admire each other, and discuss all of our dreams that we would make reality, two of the bedrooms were for our kids, the master one was for us, and of course, we had a guest room for when people came in town, or whenever ya mom or pops wanted to come by and lounge, and kick it with their grandkids, I looked up at the cross on the wall, smiled at my nailed Savior, and gave thanks to His creator for blessin me with this, I went to the kitchen, tired after a long workout, took my whey protein, ate some grilled chicken, eggs and veggies, and as I scraped the plate, I remembered to rinse my plate before I put it in the sink, because the last thing I wanted was for you to come in and raise a stink about how JoJo know to rinse his dishes before puttin em in the sink, also, I wasnt tryin to sleep on the couch at night, with no cookies, cause oreo aint got a damn thing on yours, and I aint even sampled em yet, so I went to one of our three bathrooms, got showered up, wrapped a towel around my waist and relaxed in front of the fan for a minute, I heard the doorbell, it was the mailman with a package he had to deliver, I signed and carried it inside, the box was so big, what so ever could it be, I opened it up and it had a mic, white shorts, a red top and a belly ring, simple things that reminded me of you, matter fact, these were the items I saw on you that made me say damn, OMG, this girl is beyond sexy, I wondered, why is it in a box, I found a note at the bottom of the box, and it read this, It said Chaz aint here, this is just a reminder of her, see you had her, but she aint never comin back, and its because you treated her like crap, I was stunned, I know sometimes dreams lie, but I started to cry, cause I saw the picture a lot more clear, It was a dream, tellin me that if I treated you anything less than a Queen, I would lose you, this dream turned into my worse nightmare, I know I cared, hell, I cared like I cared for no other girl before, but havin a house with two floors and everything I wanted in it, still would be diminished if you wasnt in my life, so I woke up last night, and I started to talk in five languages, tryin to figure out what was your language, so I could know how to reassure you all the time that Im here, cause my biggest fear right now, is not havin you in my life, see there's two stages to love, and I aint hit neither one of em with you, but I'm building with you, brick by brick, until you become that diamond pyramid like in Ancient Kemet, and I wanna continue to connect with you, because they say dreams come true, except in this case, it took a nightmare, to make me understand, why it is important, to always be that man, that she can run too, cause if I'm not, she wont hesitate to run to someone else

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