Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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Sound all to familiar fellas now dont it, aint nothin on Earth better than a woman, but aint nothin more scornful as well, so me being a smart male, I'm a tell you her vocab, so next time you hear this, it wont catch you off guard, and you'll be aight, lets count it down from behind, Nine, the word fine, this is what she says when you need to hush, shut up, she either is or thinks she's right, and I dont care if you are right, you aint gone never convince a woman that she aint right, eight, is the word nothing, beware my dudes, this is simply the calm before the scorn, before you catch all the hell of a woman's scorn, something's brewin it up and you should stay on yo toes, because the way this argument goes, it usually ends with the word fine, seven, is for the words Go Ahead, now trust fellas, she lyin to ya face, cause in her case, she gone sit back and wait to see if you actually do what she said you could do, in truth, its a move the call the set up, follow through on this action, and you might be sent packin, sixth, is the loud sigh, my guy, this gets misconstrued a lot, its actually a non verbal statement where she thinking you stupid, and wondering why she wastin her time arguing with you, this can lead to some hellafied reprocussions my dude, five, is for five minutes, the biggest lie any woman could ever tell, cause anytime a female say she'll be ready in five minutes, you might as well start cookin dinner, cause five minutes to her is half an hour, and dont you even think to ask why you takin so long, cause she gone respond with a you dont want me to look beautiful for you, but you shole was starin at that chick who took the same amount of time as me, lesson in this, complain about those five minutes, and you might not get none for five weeks, four, its the phrase that's okay, these words are most dangerous in all sorts of ways, mostly, it allows her the time to think how you gone pay for your mistake, if you thought not giving her those five minutes were bad, hear this, and you might be playin with ya hand for much more longer than that, three, when a woman says thanks, dont get all strung out or faint, she is being genuine in her ways, now, if she says thanks a lot, she being sarcastic as all to be damned, and if you respond with you welcome, you will get a whatever, and thats comin up so pay attention, tension, or for the normal folks this is two, when a woman says whatever shes really sayin F you, and one, numero uno, last but not least, it 's the kill all phrase, dont worry, I got it, this results after she's told you to do somethin several times, yet you keep pushin it to the side, and she beyond pissed, so not only will you be jackin ya , dinner will be missed, you aint gone be able to enjoy the games, and all of a sudden, work has become ya safe haven, so fellas, follow these nine simple points for a stress free life, or else, ya might be losin ya wife, and then, she gone come and kick it with me

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