Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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Mind Games



Views: 198

I used to work so hard to get what I achieved, to go to where I wanted to travel, to seek whom I wanted to find, but my mind would convince me otherwise that getting what you want isn't always an option, unlike the slot, everything doesn't work down the middle, sometimes that go to receiver is your best option, that receiver is your thoughts, far reaching, able to stretch the field called the mind and allow it to intertwine with reality when the game is on the line, and I have come to realize that selling my desires short for another's comfort can sometimes be the only way, and its okay, cause at least I have inner peace, at least I don't have to deal with an angry inner beast anymore, feeling like I am ignored in simple requests that may not be so simple, so I adjust my mental to create a stronghold barrier to my flesh to pass this test, even though I falter still at times, time is the only tool that allows for strength of character, and for a man, this is key, and cheating may unlock that, but opening that door isn't always a good option, because you never know what is awaiting on the other side, so allow your mind to settle in, let the war games battle within each side, because once war is brought over to the physical side, it is hard as hell to stop that, and I've been there and done that, and the pain it brought to my spirit was more than the pleasure it brought to my flesh, so I superman my chest, and open it up for others to see what I go with, what I use to make decisions, because my mind is a prison, and it locks me up into things I know I shouldn't do at all, but we are all only human, and mentally we all fall, yet I can only hope I don't stumble in real life, because when I lay down at night, my mind plays tricks on me......

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