Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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just different

Views: 177

I recently walked thru hell, watching women cast under a devil's spell where they dispelled their bodies for dollars, I watched men play devil's advocate, paying for slayin sessions to achieve a quick high, only to say goodbye and leave her for the next man to occupy, I saw this vision all throughout hell, except this hell wasn't filled with fire and brimstone, instead, it had flashing lights and neon signs, beggars and bare foot children watching mommy from outside, not knowing what's going on inside, or what's going inside of her, and to my dismay, I played the game as well, dropping dollars from the sky, not realizing the kicking and scratching that occurred for one dead face, seeing their faces light up because here, in this hell, this dolla was more than enough to keep the lights on in their own homes, and as I got to my temporary home, I finally realized the consequences of my actions, and they showed lack of compassion, cause this what was occurring was modern day trappin, nothing to do with the white and green exchanging hands, but money and sex going hand in hand, interlocked as panties dropped for the pain of pleasuring a for what in America wasn't the price of a nick bag, if they got lucky, they got the price of a dime bag, this was drugs of another level, see this was the devil's playground, and here, the miNds of innocence was played so they could be manipulated to portray the sex trade in an undercover status, here it wasn't about what chick was the baddest, but who could set thatout the fastest, cause as soon as the door swung open, legs opened for the highest bidder, and if the price was right, the wheel would be spinned several times, until it was time to go, and tomorrow, the cycle would continue itself all over again, some people call this hell, I simply call it, The Philippines....

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