Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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I don't care


just different

Views: 197

Here are a few facts about JoeMac, I dont care about anything called CATFISH unless its deep fried and served with spaghetti and white bread, I dont care about anything called SCANDAL, especially when Im watchin the biggest scandal of all time in DC, I also wonder a few things, I wonder why BET is still a channel, I wonder why fat girls think they're thick, I wonder why thick girls think they're fat, I wonder why America loves models that are skinny, flat, with noin the back, I wonder why single people give marriage advice, I wonder why ugly women act stuck up, I wonder what a horse thinks when he sees his tail on a womans head, these are just some of my thoughts, I think outside the box cause they want us to live in one, see its cool if its just one, but if the majority read, research and recycle to the next generation, thats when a nation uprises against their own people, but people dont wanna see that, they still on black vs. white vs. brown, they're on kanye west, but scared to go east to the white house whick in turn drives our lifestyle further south and now we living slavery all over again, but not just colored folks, now its a whole human populus, see if you didnt know, america is the new metropolis, THE UNITED SLAVES OF AMERICA

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