Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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/G\'s up


just different

Views: 189

People fear what they don't understand, so the brothers stand over those with lackluster tales of sales of one's soul when those people don't even buy the words that are coming out of their mouths, and at those people they laugh, cause they know that this aint simple math that one can equate very easy, this is something more than metrics and symbology, that G and that compass encompass something much more than brotherhood, they've stretched from the hood to the bright lights, all individuals with a plight to improve community and self, but some wanna see their self destruction, well if they couldn't destroy those diamond shaped tombs in the land after all these years, what's make you think that this fraternal order has fears, because fear is only enveloped in the minds of those that are scared that they wont use their time wisely, and we all know wisdom is key, and they have unlocked more than a simple door, they have walked in and built a house to dwell in, brick by brick the foundation was laid, with that cement walkway as a path to enhancement, miss me with the triple six talk or the falsefied walk, cause if you walked in their shoes you would see that their footprints were headed towards that all seeing eye in the sky, so the next time you wonder why there was only one set of footprints in the sand, it was at that time that God elevated chosen men to something much greater, this knowledge is stretched to all four corners of the globe, and history shows much more than influence and cities designed by astronomical features, it shows the reaping of what so many have sewn into this fertile land, and with God's hand controlling the clock it's a 24 hour process, because the only time /G\'s sleep are never, because you never accomplish improvement in your sleep, because dreams are nothing more than thougths, actions are the things bought in this world, and no action means there is no sacrifice which means there is no purpose to life, so do not disgrace what you do not know, rather embrace knowledge and allow yourself to grow, and don't believe the streets, because real /G\'s aren't cropped out in bandanas and colors, real /G\'s are brothers...ones that you simply may not understand

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