Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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F*** Cupid



Views: 245

14 days give 14 ways to love someone in one day, but what about the other 364, see this is why Valentine's Day is irrelevant, I'd rather be celibate and screw myself on my own time than have someone else screw with my mind with gifts and thoughtful quotes, cause getting your head screwed with is worse than any vagina could ever do, cause doing your all still results in downfall, so that's why I say F a Valentine's Day cause more hearts are broken and bleed out numerous uncertainties, like why are you really hurting me, cause all the while I just wanted security, instead I'm handcuffed to bluffs and what the hell else do I need to do's, love is not meant to be played like spades, its only meant to be dealt and embraced for the cards that one was dealt, welts across my heart shows how much beating its taken from playing this nice guy theme, maybe I need to change up the beat and create a new song of beating up a woman's heart, except I aint got the heart to do that, so I commend all men that can be part on a full time basis, cause with a lot of relationship cases, you have no choice but to be, and now I fully understand that being a man involves a lot more than just have a set of nuts, its controlling yourself not to go nuts when you've tried your damndest and stuff still doesn't work, so I go back in the lab and work on this man scientifically, dissecting my own self to suit this woman, that woman, her, her and her, and in the end, I see its all useless cause a lot of these women are clueless, not all, but some, saying they know what they need, but what they need aint what they want, and all I wanted to be was that man, now I aint got no choice but to be that bastard that you never wanted to meet......

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