love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Views: 523

 I want to go completely random and hold you for ransom. Im a hostage to you and you to my dreams. 

We are locked in a vicious cycle of me and you. There is no end to me and no end to you. We are infinite and our thoughts are infinitely infinite. 

There is nothing that we cannot accomplish. Lets make a deal. Tell me what I have to give you to make this happen. But I will need that pride. Set it aside and get ready to handle sh*t

Oh, I get it. You need a signal. This is it. Read it and weep. This is deep.

This could be beyond you and me. This could be destiny. And the more you read this, the more you agree. You ee the error of your ways, your years become days, days to moment and this moment is what we needed. 

This is right now mathematics. Add it up, you get the same result.

There is nothing left but for us to do it and thats not random. It was always meant to be this way. So you know whats next...



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<3 says:

Really good!!!

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love_supreme says:

thank you.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

You reached in deep for this one, it's one of my favs....stay with it.

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catmartan says:


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2b2b2 says:

Excellent.....feeling this....thanks for sharing....Namaste

love_supreme says:

thanks everyone! The feedback is much appreciated.

kerissaragland says:

OOOHHH i like it.

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LP45 says:

Very nice work latin lover! I enjoyed reading this.

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