tretre | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 67200
contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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  4 star general
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Body Wars



Views: 383

 Flesh and floods of silken mane

cascade the flawless frame,

Conspiracy of chromosomes, confliction of interest,

body of the two part

Staggering of the weighted demon

hardened to hypocrisy; tantalizing

biceps,triceps, misconceptions in depth

of the wonders in the night

Lips painted, eyes glazed, beauty sparks the

rage of confused pain; take it as it comes

comes into the recesses of childhood


land of wonderment and glory, reach and find

the answers to yourself, deeper and deeper

the search continues.

In a moment of reality checking in,

open yourself to mysteries of the other world

Enclse the saneness and oneness

in your center............


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Woa!! there must be a story behind this, good to see back in the swing again.

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Thank you Wize Dom! Its always a pleasure to receive a comment from such a talented poet such as yourself. Congrats on your ruby status.

love_supreme says:

This poem had so many places where you could touch and feel the words.

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royale jones says:

I love the message of finding yourself and adding some depth to yourself in the poem.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Play....Bravo

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