love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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  double ruby
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Blast Off!



Views: 643

When I see you, I want to blast off. That can be taken in a number of ways and I want you to think of all of those ways. I was never meant to meet you. It just happened. One day I was born and across the world, across the street, around the block, you were born.

But I know that when I met you, you would be a good friend to me. And when I got to know you, you would be a good lover, and when I got to experience everything that is you, that you would be a good wife.

It is completely foolish of me to talk marriage so fast and so soon but even more foolish if I didnt make a true woman of you. My woman, someone that I can call close to me. Closer than anyone else ever will be.

I never was suppose to meet you but the stars told a different story.

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