JEvans1194 | Poetry Vibe
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No one is free even the birds are chained to the sky Searching and Soaring praying for hope

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Views: 260
I once had but I realized that's not what the direction of my life was heading because I was just existing on this Earth not living my dreams were to be a Pysch that changed real quick when I realized I had problems that I couldn't even solve on my own...Society has so much to say on sex, drugs, and money but they don't talk about DREAMS that our young people should have...The reason why is because society has this twisted misconception on life if your not a rapper, singer, or government official there's nothing more for you to DREAM..That's a lie because I see a world of DREAMS that you can choose but Man or Woman its up to you to choose.

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Mahogany says:

Great perspective

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