I wish I could be free
to provide a living, using only
the words within me.
I wish I could be proud
have the kind of stories
that mirrors lifes envy.
I would be success definition
I would be the seed of it's fruit.
I would be dedications reflections
I would be proud, applaud & salute.
I wish I could be free
to provide a living, using only
the words within me.
My great efforts expand
new levels reached
as more anticipations
higher the climb.
I don't mind climbing
scared nails define my try
If I fall, I call it a stumble
only to crush doubt, to it's crumble.
Reposition myself
back to obsticles reach
I continue.....up
Success I seek
I wish I could be free
to provide a living, using only
the words within me.
My quiet time
alone I begin to sing
My ancestors song
To get to successful lands of free
Work has to be pages upon pages of its story.
My freedom is within me
dedication is it's key
No matter what
I will expose the
Words Within Me!!!