TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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nights like this



Views: 377

nights like this I wish I had my friend I can talk to

connect with him in more than the physical

connect with him on a spiritual level

speak into his soul

more than just words

an emotional connection with him once again

getting to know him all over to our core

nights like tonight

where we stay up all night


discovering information

we never managed to tell a soul for fear of rejection

with us its pure acceptance

no change in the perception of who we are

we're falling who with who we've become

nights like this I wish 

I had him laying next to me

making me feel his love

with no ulterior motive

he just enjoy being in my company

no material possession gained

just emotional satisfaction attained

nights like this where I feel alone

his love for me will bring him home

into my arms where he belong

its been a rough year

we took some risk

putting everything out the table

we both refuse to lose

we always seem to pull through

nights like this

when I cant sleep

I stay up and think of all the good memories we had

all of the reasons I fell in love with him

I'm still holding onto

waiting for you to make your comeback

so we can correct what we did wrong


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Nothing short of being great. So good to see you back flowin again my sistah (>‿◠)✌

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royale jones says:

Love this piece. There's always second chances in romance.

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