envyme | Poetry Vibe
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Break up.



Views: 226

You said what? that you want to break up! 

after all the love, we made and want it to turn into hate?

after break up and make ups is this what you really want?

I say I don't care but deep down I'm hurting and I would be lying If i said I don't love you.. 

but sometimes love doesn't turn out to be what it really is. 

Break up? yeah I hate those. 

EX? Example of regret? yeah I hate those.

Make up & break ups? Yeah don't do those!

Break ups? headaches, and heartaches? pain and hurt? say you don't care but you really do? one ex you can't get over or can't get rid of? Yeah I HATE THAT.


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shortii says:

Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Nice poem. Keep that pen movin Envyme!

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SoFloetic says:

Yesssss I like

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substance914 says:

Real life stuff 2 thumbs up

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envyme says:

Thank you guys. <3

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