thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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lets trade shoes



Views: 573

Trade your shoes for that of a loser who has nothing and wants it all no matter what it takes try finding out with it feels like to have doors shut in your face while everyone is tellin you no. walk this endless journey of pain where the Torture just don't seem to have a means of an end get lost inside your own twisted ambitions to the point you become numb then keep running in search of your destiny let your desires take over your body now accept the fact that they're are dream crushers who will laugh and spit in your face just because you want a taste of the fame you so call desire you want the attention of the people who ignored you for no reason at all the people who didn't notice you while you were struggling for each step you take towards the future make sure you take an extra step for those who thought you wouldn't make it

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LP45 says:

Very nice work. This is and has been a on again off again theme in my life so I can relate to it. But for every step that I stumbled with "those who said I couldn't make it", they became my next step up. Keep inspiring, keep writing.

bekz580 says:

Very powerful, great work!

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