thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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i love my brothers


just different

Views: 214

I feel the distance growing between me and my brothers an i hate that ISH feeling as though we don't keep contact enough we don't talk enough i mean we're all men now and doing our own thing but its just that i don't understand don't get me wrong i can go threw life all alone I've done it before my three brother are what keep me inspired to do my own thing while staying in my lane as i look bacc i can see there smiles on the picture frame realizing ish ain't the same cedric was the first person to teach me how to spell my name diesel was the first person to teach me how to fight akeia was the first person to teach me that things were going to be alright i remember the four of us would stay up at night listening to music or just shooting it to each other we grew up way to fast none of the things we did ever lasted it was only fun for the moment before the realization of it all came to us and it was over kinda like a contact high until we become sober i know all my brothers dreams so it ain't never over i love my brother to death im trying my best not to cry i will morn the day when they reach the sky because i will have been left behind my work here ain't finished yet and people be like damn gizmo you ain't finish yet im fighting until my last breath

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